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How to convert a file from Word to epub or mobi file format The first step is to download a free software programme called Calibre. It is a free open source programme available for both PC and Mac. How Do I Transfer the Mobi File to Kindle. How to transfer your eBook to the Kindle: . MOBI File Download Instructions. If you purchase an eBook from Future Horizons in the past, and it is a. mobi file format, you can easily hook up the Kindle to your computer using a USB cable or via email. Calibre is a free, opensource eBook management desktop application that can convert your documents or book files into MOBI and EPUB format or edit existing MOBIs and EPUBs. You can use it for casual eBook conversion and to create final, publishable files. The best free ebook reader 2018: enjoy reading on your PC or Mac; The best free ebook reader 2018: enjoy reading on your PC or Mac It supports EPUB, MOBI, PDF and FB2 ebook formats, and once. 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