3. 6m Followers, 72 Following, 426 Posts See Instagram photos and videos from Diego Maradona Oficial (@maradona) Diego Maradona. Diego Maradona (born 1961) is an icon in Argentina, much like Evita Peron. As a soccer player, he took his team to new heights and became a hero to sports fansmany of whom referred to him as San Diego. He also took sports paychecks to new heights, claiming unheard of salaries in trade after trade. La vida de Diego Armando Maradona, para muchos el mximo exponente en la historia del ftbol, ha estado marcada por polmicas y escndalos casi tan grandes como su leyenda. Diego Maradona Highlights# 1 Here is 1 of my 6 Maradona's videos. Since I made them for the Diego's fans I used different videos sequences (except 2 or 3 training scenes) for each of them to get 6 differents videos clips. Profile of Argentina legend Diego Armando Maradona, one of the greatest players ever to have graced the game, but also one of the most controversial. Diego Maradona: No cierra la herida: la reaccin de Maradona cuando le dijeron que Codesal estaba cerca, Con dos golazos maradonianos eliminaron al equipo de Diego de la Copa MX. Diego Maradona will have no need to make any wishes when he blows out the candles on his birthday cake on Thursday. It could be argued that the history of the World Cup can be defined as before and after the game between England and Argentina 32 years ago with one Diego Armando Maradona as protagonist. Diego Armando Maradona Franco (Spaingie pronunciation: [djeo maaona, born 30 October 1960) is a Argentine fitbaw coach as well as a manager an umwhile player. Mony experts, fitball creetics, umwhile players, current players an fitbaw fans consider Maradona tae be the greatest fitbaw player o. A 12foot statue features the the Argentina great, Diego Maradona, with a healthy head of hair and holding aloft the trophy he helped Argentina win in Mexico, but bears little resemblance to the. Welcome to Diego Armando Maradona's Official Website Highlights of Maradona's amazing career starting in Argentina with Argentinos Juniors then Boca Juniors, before moving to Barcelona and Napoli in Europe. Category Sports Diego Armando Maradona is without a shadow of a doubt one of the greatest footballers the world has ever seen. Lionel Messi and Cristiano Ronaldo may be taking the game to unparalleled levels right now, and many of you may have a soft spot for Pele or Zinedine Zidane, but has there ever been a more enthralling cocktail of skill and debauchery as Maradona. Read Diego Maradona at World Cup 1990: the weeping angel The first half was a cagey affair, with Argentina the better side. England were more content with. El futbolista ms popular de Argentina naci, segn consta en el Registro Civil, el da 30 de octubre de 1961 en Lans, aunque todos lo identifiquen como el Pelusa de Villa Fiorito, donde transcurri su infancia y desde donde salt a la fama. Maradona is a monster, a true gamechanger, and if you think different the fault is yours, never blame Maradona. The truth is that Maradona in the hunter style is another player, it transforms him into a small tank that with its agility and speed manages to subdue the strongest and fastest defenders of the game. Diego Maradona, in full Diego Armando Maradona, (born Oct. 30, 1960, Lanus, Buenos Aires, Arg. ), Argentine football (soccer) player who is generally regarded as the top footballer of the 1980s and one of the greatest of all time. Sumado a la publicidad y las ganancias extras, el irlands un total de 100MM. Mayweather, ganancias cercanas a los USD 350. Played at the famous Estadio Azteca, the match was taken over by the greatest player on the planet at the time and, for some, of all time in Argentina's captain and No. Diego Armando Maradona (Buenos Aires, 30 oktober 1960) is een Argentijns voormalig voetballer. Op het WK in 1986 was hij d vedette, die Argentini. Diego Maradona en 2007 xuntu a Ricardo Enrique Bochini, exjugador de ftbol del Club Atlticu Independiente y dolu de Diego mientres la so infancia. Superaos los sos problemes de sal ufiertrony conducir un programa de televisin que se sera emitu por Canal 13. El astro argentino Diego Armando Maradona, en entrevista con el diario El Clarn, se refiri al momento de la seleccin argentina, tras su participacin en el Mundial de Rusia 2018 y al futuro de Lionel Messi en el equipo. El 10 asegur irnica y tajantemente que me gustara que nos hubiera mandado a todos a cagar; le dira que que no venga ms a la seleccin y que se retire. Italian courts ruled Diego Maradona was the father of Diego Jr in 1993. For years, Maradona denied the paternity of Diego Sinagra and only accepted he was the father in 2007, some 21 years after. Diego Maradona gets down to business in Mexico as he takes training for the first time as boss of Dorados. Argentina legend Diego Maradona is the new manager of Dorados in Mexico Diego Armando Maradona Franco (s. lokakuuta 1960 Lans, Buenos Airesin maakunta, Argentiina) on argentiinalainen entinen jalkapalloilija ja Hnt pidetn yhten kaikkien aikojen parhaista pelaajista. Lyhyen mutta vantteran Maradonan vahvuuksiin kuuluivat hnen peliuransa aikana nopeus, voima, tekninen taituruus ja pelily. Diego Armando MARADONA, Lans, Argentina. 14, 173 likes 15 talking about this. Venne mandato da Dio sulla terra per insegnare il gioco del Calcio. Argentina legend Diego Maradona said on Wednesday morning that he is fine after being treated by paramedics at the World Cup stadium in St. Petersburg, Russia, on Tuesday after watching his former. Diego Armando Maradona (Lans, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 30 de octubre de 1960) es un exfutbolista y actual director tcnico argentino. Actualmente dirige a Dorados de Sinaloa, del Ascenso MX. [11 Adems, es presidente honorario del Dinamo Brest de la Liga Premier de Bielorrusia. This is an archive of past discussions. Do not edit the contents of this page. If you wish to start a new discussion or revive an old one, please do so on the current talk page. Diego Armando Maradona Franco(born 30 October 1960 in Lans, Buenos Aires) is an Argentine former football player. He was nicknamed El Diez, Pelusa, El Diego and El pibe de oro. He won the World Cup in Mexico in the year of 1986. 10 hours agoPele, who spoke at the 16th Hindustan Times Leadership Summit, wanted to keep the ball rolling after injury cut short father Dondinhos career and insisted he is friends with Diego Maradona Diego Armando Maradona. En Npoles el Diego est por todas partes: es como un inmenso museo al aire libre donde se alternan capillas callejeras, fotos de vrgenes, iglesia tras iglesia, Diego tras Diego. Diego Armando Maradona Franco ( 30. Oktober 1960 in Lans) ist ein ehemaliger argentinischer Fuballspieler. Er war von Oktober 2008 bis Juli 2010 Trainer der argentinischen. Diego Armando Maradona, fdd 30 oktober 1960 i Lans, en frort till Buenos Aires, r en argentinsk fotbollstrnare och fre detta fotbollsspelare. Maradona anses som en av de bsta fotbollsspelarna genom tiderna, av vissa som den allra bsta. [2 Maradona campen frente al clsico rival. La ltima vez que Diego Armando Maradona jug por Barcelona Final Copa del Rey 1984 Duration: 7: 25. Csar Ftbol Total 592, 048 views 1 day agoOn one side the great Diego Maradona, hero of Argentina's 1986 World Cup win but a man who for years was tormented by inner demons, typified. The latest Tweets from Diego Maradona (@MaradonaGroup). Official Twitter Account of Maradona Group Company Cuenta oficial de Twitter de Maradona Group Company. 554 Followers, 0 Following, 4 Posts See Instagram photos and videos from Diego Maradona (@diegomaradona10) Diego Armando Maradona, n le 30 octobre 1960 Lans (province de Buenos Aires) [2, [3, est un footballeur international argentin devenu entraneur. Argentinos Juniors, Boca Juniors, Barcelona, Napoli. Sign in now to see your channels and recommendations. jna 1960 Lans, Buenos Aires) je bval argentinsk fotbalista a bval trenr argentinsk fotbalov reprezentace. V souasnosti vede tm AlFudajra. Veobecn je povaovn za jednoho z nejlepch a nejtalentovanjch svtovch hr vech dob. Diego Armando Maradona (Lans, Buenos Aires tartomny, 1960. ) vilgbajnok argentin labdarg, edz. Tizent ves kortl profi labdarg, az argentin labdargvlogatott volt tagja. 1977ben 16 vesen mutatkozott be a vlogatottban egy Magyarorszg elleni bartsgos mrkzsen. Diego Maradona (pictured above) arrived in Culiacan, the capital of the northwestern Mexican state of Sinaloa, to a hero's welcome on Saturday, and was to be officially unveiled and hold his first. Diego Maradona w wieku 10 lat zapisa si do modzieowej druyny pikarskiej Los Cebollitas. W profesjonalnym futbolu zadebiutowa w 1976, doczajc do Argentinos Juniors. Dla Argentinos zagra w 167 spotkaniach, strzelajc 115 bramek. Diego Armando Maradona (Lans, 30 ottobre 1960) un allenatore di calcio, dirigente sportivo ed ex calciatore argentino, di ruolo centrocampista offensivo, tecnico dei Dorados. Capitano della nazionale argentina vincitrice del Mondiale 1986. Diego Armando Maradona sa nscut n Lans, Argentina, dar a crescut n Villa Fiorito, o suburbie la sud de Buenos Aires, ntro familie srac, famile care ulterior sa mutat n provincia Corrientes. A fost primul biat din familia sa, dup naterea celor trei surori mai mari ale sale. Diego Armando Maradona es considerado el mejor jugador de ftbol de la historia y el mejor futbolista de los mundiales. Fue la estrella del Mundial de Mxico 1986 donde la seleccin result. Diego Armando Maradona was born on October 30, 1960, in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Maradona led club teams to championships in Argentina, Italy and Spain, and famously starred for the Argentinean