Zero means normal sleep and is the default for desktops; 1 means hibernate mode and is the default for older portables (pre 2005); 3 means safe sleep and is the default for portables made after 2005; 25 is the same as hibernate mode, but is the setting used for newer (post 2005) Mac portables. There are a few different ways to lock your Macs screen. First well take a look at how to immediately do this with a keyboard shortcut and with the menu. Lock Screen is a good looking application that will bring to your Mac the same style, look and feel that made the iPhone so popular. Using Lock Screen you will be able to secure your screen with a. Putting your MacBook into its sleep state is a convenient and useful option when you need to step away for a moment. Provided you have an account password set up, sleep lets you lock your MacBook. Activate the screen saver using Hot Corners. Like I have stated before, if you have any application running in the background that you don't want to interrupt after locking your Mac's screen, then you can choose to activate the screen saver rather than putting your system to sleep. You can make your Mac put itself in Sleep mode automatically after a fixed period of time. If your Mac doesnt detect any keyboard or mouse activity within the length of time you have designated, your computer will put itself into Sleep mode automatically. Resolving a Black Screen on Mac When Waking from Sleep. Weve broken down this troubleshooting guide into sections from the easiest and most obvious solutions to the more complicated, follow along as needed. Open the lid, keyboard lights up, caps lock will go on and off, screen remains unlit. In an effort to reduce power consumption and increase screen life, Microsoft Windows includes a variety of power settings to aid in managing sleep and hibernation times. The default settings for Windows will put your monitor to sleep after your computer has been sitting idle for a set amount of time. Mac computers running OS X Yosemite can be locked in two ways. Use the Login Options pane in the Mac's System Preferences window to lock the computer at startup. I need to enable the enable the lock screen on Macs after the computer goes to sleep or the screen saver starts. There is a Definition to enable this setting but it is not working for me. Windows 10 Lock on Sleep I just upgraded to windows 10, and now my computer does not need a password when it wakes up from sleep. When I type in sign in and hit enter I get a screen that says settings (not responding) then the page shuts down! : I'm having the same problem with my surface pro 3 as of late no lock on. Goto Preferences Desktop Screen Saver Hot Corners and set a corner to Put Display to Sleep. Steer your mouse to the hot corner, and the screen will immediately blank. How can I keep my Mac awake AND locked? up vote 104 down vote favorite. mac goes for sleep on screen lock. Keeping the mac awake when running certain applications? How do I ensure computer stays awake for Back to My Mac? This video shows how to have your Mac require a password from sleep or screen saver. Once this is done, you wont have to enter your password every time you wake your Mac after it went to sleep or after the screen saver was activated. Tagged: How to You can set your Mac to display a screen saver, either manually or automatically after a period of inactivity. Choose a screen saver Your Mac comes with several screen savers that display photos, messages, artwork from your iTunes library or photo library, and more. Your Mac uses its processor, graphics chip, and display when it shows a screen saver. To save energy, you can use Energy Saver preferences to choose how long your Mac needs to be inactive before the display turns off or goes to sleep. It would be nice if gnomepowermanager would rename the current lockon options to screensaveron and add a new lockscreen option to decide if locking the. Consequently, you can use TokenLock to lock your Mac by putting its display to sleep or by launching the screen saver, in which case, you need to enable the login password in the Security. This setting applies when the Mac goes to sleep, when a screen saver starts, and when the screen itself turns off. Method 2: Keyboard Shortcuts There are several keyboard shortcuts that can shut off your display or put your Mac to sleep. Forcing screen lockscreensaversleep after X minutes Posted: by bbot I am trying to have all Macs go to screen saver or sleep after 1020 minutes if left at idle. Lock Your Computer Screen (Windows and Mac) Use the Computer Screen Lock feature to lock your computer screen while you are briefly away from your desk. How to Lock Your Mac When Youre Away. Justin Pot @jhpot March 30th, 2017. after sleep or screen saver begins option. Set the associated dropdown menu to immediately. If you dont want to wait for your Mac to go to sleep, you can quickly lock your Mac with a simple keyboard shortcut. If youre using a newer Mac where the. Edit Article How to Fix Black Screen on Windows 7 After Resume from Hibernate or Resume from Sleep. Three Methods: Resolving Issues With the CPU Fan Installing Updates to System BIOS and Graphics Drivers Resolving RAM Issues on Your Computer Community QA When Windows 7 is unable to show anything but a black screen after returning from hibernation or sleep, there are several. Learn a number of different ways to easily and quickly lock your screen. Of course, it takes a bit of time to put a Mac to sleep and to wake it up. You may also have remote users connected to. The Mac OS X lock screen is the same as what you see when you wake a Mac from sleep or a screensaver when this feature is enabled, so remember that if you use a screensaver that autoactivates or sleep your Mac regularly, youll also be entering your password when it is woken. Lock Screen Lock and unlock your computer screen. Download the latest versions of the best Mac apps at safe and trusted MacUpdate Fixed problem that user can't unlock their computers after sleep when upgrade to Lion. Fixed huge memory usage after lock screen multiple times. Requirements for Lock Screen Mac OS X or later. Listener Dominic writes in with a tip on how to quickly lock your screen in OS X (applies to both Snow Leopard and Lion). As discussed on Mac Geek Gab 342, there are two easy methods to quickly. When I step away from my Mac at work, I want a quick way to lock the screen, and hitting a hotcorner with the mouse is problematic for me. This hint details how to lock the screen from the keyboard by using Automator to build a Service in Snow Leopard. After screen was turned off once (wether by pressing cancel or waiting for timeout), you can't see anything anymore (until you reboot, of course) In my case, I can see the screen backlight when trying to wake the screen, but that's it. How to lock your screen in Windows 7 and Windows Vista How to lock your screen after a certain amount of time The only method you can use to manually. Of course, you can make it go to sleep by choosing Sleep from the Apple menu, or you can use a keyboard shortcut: hit Control Shift Eject (or Control Shift Power) to make the screen go to. As with system sleep and the screensaver, this mode will also activate the screen lock timer, so if you have the timer set to run immediately, then this will in effect lock the display. Then choose how long you want the system to wait after sleep or the screen saver begins. (You can choose from several intervals, starting with immediately to 8 hours. ) Once that is set, you can put the computer to sleep by pressing CONTROLSHIFTPOWER. If you don't want the screen to passwordlock automatically after x amount of time, simply configure the screensaver so that it doesn't start automatically after x amount of time. Then it will only come on when you deliberately lock it. jez Aug 16 '15 at 17: 46 How to disable auto lock on sleep I just find it annoying that when my computer goes to sleep, upon waking it up, the screen is locked. I wish that the computer would just go to the desktop and run normally when I awake it from sleep. After updating my MacBookPro to macOS Sierra, the display sometimes freezes in the lock screen, when waking up from sleep. I have to wait for a few seconds before the Mac allows me to insert my password and unlock it. Alternatively, select After Sleep or Screen Saver Begins to delay the lock until the Mac goes into sleep or screen saver mode. If you select this option, set the lock delay time from the. Jamf Nation, hosted by Jamf, is a knowledgeable community of Applefocused admins and Jamf users. If you like what you see, join us in person at the ninth annual Jamf Nation User Conference (JNUC) this October for three days of learning, laughter and IT love. When you leave your computer, its best to start a screen saver that can only be turned off with a password. You should set up a screen saver that will start after your computer has been idle for a set interval (15 minutes or less). Use display sleep to save your screen; use the screen saver as a lock. Lets say you want to prevent burnin after 3 minutes and lock the computer after 30 minutes. Go to System Preferences Energy Saver and set the display sleep time to 3 minutes. A little later I went to the Mac to see if the update had finished but it was still sitting at the login screen, so I (from the Mac) logged in and rebooted. even when I explicitly uncheck Action Lock Computer Lock On Session End. Mac: how to turn off blocking after session end. Confirming, I experienced the same thing, where the. Note that each time you navigate your mouse to that corner of the Mac screen it will automatically put the display to sleep, at the same time locking your Mac. Like the lock option, this will keep your background tasks running even when you are away and your Mac is locked and secured. Discussion in 'OS X Mavericks (10. 9)' started by dasx, Jun 16, 2014. When my Mac Mini goes to sleep for a long period of time, when I wake it up, I only have a black screen on my Apple Cinema Display. Haven't tried to press the Caption Lock key to be honest. The Windows 10 lock screen divides many users. Some don't mind seeing a nice picture along with a news blurb, some notifications, and the time of day. Press Command Space hot corner and tell your Mac to sleep when you push the mouse cursor into the bottom left corner of the screen. Now you can instantly lock your Mac with a simple finger flick. Locking your Macs display (or sleeping the display) can be a great security measure when paired with a user account password. While it wont prevent the outright theft of your Mac, it. How to Stop OS X from Asking for Password after Sleep. I have a MacBook Pro and every time I leave the computer running for a long period of time, the computer puts itself to sleep and asks a. To solve the problem, you have to turn your sleep screen into a lock screen. Fortunately, this is an easy change to make heres what to do. Step 1: Start by going to System Preferences.